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Magento 2 Connector for Zendesk

Magento 2 Connector for Zendesk
Connect your Zendesk account with multiple Magento 2 stores.
BYN 300.00

* Required Fields

BYN 300.00


The Magento 2 Connector for Zendesk Support and Chat will allow you to connect your Magento 2 stores and display customer information on the Zendesk side.

This will help to better search and verify information, as well as provide more effective support.

The application by default uses the ticket requester email for searching and looks for information on the Magento 2 store. Found information is divided into detailed data about the customer and all orders associated with this customer. In addition, the application can connect several Magento 2 stores at the same time and display information for each store. Note: You should purchase the extension for each store which will connect to the app.

Main features of the application:
1) Providing information about the customer and orders directly in the ticket page
2) Ability to connect multiple stores at the same time and search across all stores
3) Additional search by email or order number. Used if the customer is not found by ticket requester email or if you want to find data by other email/order
4) Filtering orders. Helps to find the right order if there are too many of them.
5) Links to the customer, order and product pages on your Magento 2 admin panel (you should be authenticated).
6) "Watch Order" feature. You can pin order to ticket and see order info in additional block.

Provided information:
1) Customer block:
- Name (link on customer page in Admin panel)
- Registration date
- Total Sales
- Group
- Country
- Default shipping and billing addresses

2) Block of orders:
- Order number (link on order page in Admin panel)
- Status
- Date of creation
- Totals (subtotal, tax, shipping, discount, grand total)
- Product block
- Billing and shipping addresses
- Payment and shipping methods

3) Product block:
- Name (link on product page in Admin panel)
- Price
- Quantity
- Sku
- Product options
- Total

How to install the extension:
1) Download actual version of the extension
2) Unpack it on your Magento 2 store
3) Run following commands in console:
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
4) Go to the extension settings page (Stores > Configuration > MorfDev > Zendesk)
5) Generate API Token (click on "Generate new token" button or input own string and save configuration)

How to configure the app:
1) Install the Magento 2 extension and the application
2) Generate API Token on your Magento 2 Admin panel (Stores > Configuration > Morfdev > Zendesk > click on "Generate new token" button)
3) Copy token and place it on "Magento API Token" field in App settings
4) Copy your Magento 2 url and place it on "Base Url" field in App settings. Your Magento 2 store must have SSL certificate and configured for https requests
Examples of Base URL: